While many gamers are under the impression that the Barbarian class was introduced in AD&D, in actuality the very first Barbarian, which appeared in White Dwarf issue 4 December 1977, was written for OD&D. It was many years before the "official" AD&D Barbarian was published, and Brian's class was very popular (being reprinted in The Best of White Dwarf Articles Volume 1. It is a very atmospheric class, with great abilities including Fearlessness (Fear instead makes them go beserk) and Sensing Danger, whereas the AD&D Unearthed Arcana version is rather bland in comparison.
Brian's OD&D Barbarian also had something which the official AD&D version never had - it's own dedicated scenario.
If you would like to check out The Complete Barbarian, comprising the material from both articles originally published in White Dwarf, together with The Halls of Testing for Barbarians you can do so curtesy of the Explore Beneath and Beyond blog here. which has permission to share the articles. All material is copyright Brian K. Asbury.
It says, "For every point of dexterity above 12, the Barbarian may use one additional weapon."
I love this idea. Forces you to put some points into a stat that might not be at the top of your list. And it's (perhaps) simpler than adding "feats" or "skills" to increase your weapon proficiency. Very clever.